Dangers of being self-centered
If you are only living for your self then you are doing nothing for God Stay connected: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Website:
If you are only living for your self then you are doing nothing for God Stay connected: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Website:
When you develop your soul, it opens up ways for blessing. Stay connected: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Website:
The word of God is so powerful that it will deliver you from any of your struggles in life. Stay connected: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pstjimmy/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/pstjimmy Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jimmy_macha Website: https://jimmymacharia.or.ke
God has an assignment for you but you must prepare for it. Stay connected: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Website:
The vision of God in your life is for you to connect with something that cannot be killed. Stay connected: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pstjimmy/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/pstjimmy Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jimmy_macha Website: https://jimmymacharia.or.ke